Race Day is upon us…

The weekend has finally arrived – the moment I have been training for, for the last 16 weeks, is here. OHMAGAWD. Arnie and I are off on our adventure today as we take the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) down to Kobe. This weeks training has been fairly non existence, tapering – your awesome, I have only completed two 6km plods and a 5km race (22mins, PB hell yeah). This week I have also come down with a cold – and Arnie is just getting over one also, yes we are a lovely sickly bunch, so I have been hitting bed around 9pm and banning my man from coming in late with the Ipad – seriously cannot sleep with that blaring light illuminating the room, anybody hear me?


I am so super pumped for this weekend, every time I think about the finish line I get nervy tummy. It’s such an amazing feeling to have worked so hard towards something, and that moment has (almost) arrived. I have a goal time I want to smash, but at the end of the day just finishing the bloody 42.2km is a big enough goal for me.


15 months ago, If somebody said to me that I would be running 2 marathons in a year, I would literally die with laughter, that shit cray – but I guess that just proves that anything is possible.


I know I have said many times before that anybody can be a runner, but I feel like I cannot preach this enough. Set a goal, train hard, and prove to yourself (and to all your haters) you can do it.


There has been many times throughout the past 16 weeks, where I would stop and think “why, oh why did I sign up for this?” but there has been even more times where I would finish a strong run and think “F-yeah, I feel bloody amazing!”. There are always going to be pros and cons to training; early morning starts, not drinking on the weekends, people calling you “obsessed”, buuuut to me, the pros of feeling such achievement and being proud of yourself far outweigh the cons. When was the last time you felt proud of yourself? Honestly, just think. Can you specifically think of a time where you thought you were the bees knees?! No, its not self righteous to feel this way – I am not saying you have to think you are the boss, but to have felt the feeling of really proving you are stronger than you think you are, is pretty awesome.


I’m hoping race day will go a little something like this: Wake up and fuel up, smash an awesome run feeling good the whole way and as a result get a good time, home to relax and refuel, then out for dinner with a great bunch of friends and a few well deserved bevies. That would be the ultimate. But as we all know, things don’t usually run that smoothly – keep an eye out for next weeks blog if you want to see how things went..


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